Use your community to create your identification.

We will help you create cryptographic signatures for your claim, whether it's age or residence or ownership. You can then show the support of your community for your claim. That simplicity is what makes a network grow organically.

Assert your claim.

For example, you might say "I am older than 21."

Get Someone to Confirm it.

Now a friend just has to confirm that claim.

Share that support.

Now you can show whatever claims you choose, and only those in your network can see the exact details.

Your Community Is Your Value

The first step to gaining an ID is to state your claim cryptographically, then get another member of your community to validate it in a similar way. See the technical details.

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To show additional verification, if ID Community can confirm some then we'll publish it with us. We follow the standards at Ignite Community.

There are many ways to prove yourself.

If you're just using your driver's license, you're putting a lot of faith in one group.